EPR Regestration Certification

EPR Regestration Certification

EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility)

EPR is a registration done under CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) for channelization of E-Waste. EPR is applicable to all manufacturers, importers, producers, consumers, bulk consumers, dealers, e-retailer involved in the manufacture, sale, transfer, storage, and processing of e-waste or electrical and electronic equipment listed in Schedule 1, including their components, consumables, and spare parts.

Each producer involved in selling the following listed or related electronic items would need this registration: Computer & their parts with input and output devices, Personal computer, Laptop & their parts, Battery, Chargers, Minicomputer, Mainframe, Facsimile, LED TV, LED parts, Air conditioners & their parts, Telephone, Smartphone, Feature phone, Washing machine, Products containing electrical circuits and parts.
